I.M.P.S. is proud to support the work done by the Arrhythmia Alliance and urge everyone to ensure that their local school has access to a defibrillator.
I.M.P.S. teaches year 6 pupils in Oxfordshire and Hull how to perform CPR and to use a defibrillator (AED) and we are pleased to promote this initiative by the Arrhythmia Alliance.
In 2021 Arrhythmia Alliance are re-launching the Defibs in Schools Campaign to ensure that schools, Universities and Educational Establishments are all fully equipped with a life saving device.
Through their work many communities now have a 24/7 accessible defibrillator however these are far to often not close enough to access at the time that a victim suffers a sudden cardiac arrest. Access to a defib should be within a 3 minute walk; is this the case in your school or your child’s school?
Approximately 15 young people die each week in the UK due to sudden cardiac death.
For every minute that passes after a SCA, the chance of survival decreases by 10%, so an AED needs to be used within the first few minutes. This is why we are wanting to ensure every school in the UK has a defibrillator on site to help save the lives of many victims, staff and children.
Take Action Now…
1. Is there an automated external defibrillator (AED) at your local school/community?
It could be the difference between life or death if an AED is more than three minutes walking distance from you or your loved ones.
Lilly-May Page was running across the playground when sudden cardiac arrest struck at just 5 years old – there was no AED nearby – sadly Lilly-May did not survive. Let Lilly-May’s mummy tell her story – it is heart breaking. We must ensure we protect our children, our loved ones, our communities if a sudden cardiac arrest occurs without warning. And it is possible for everyone to be SCA aware and know where the nearest AED is situated.
2. Do you know where your nearest AED is?
3. Call the local school to ask and if yes – is it available for the whole community 24/7?
4. No AED? Contact us today by emailing [email protected] or phoning 01789 867 501 to find out how easy it is to place an AED and how it’s even easier to use one – no matter what age you are…
Do Not Let The Ones You Love Be The Ones You Lose
A SCA can happen to anyone of any age at anytime and anywhere. Everyone should know where their nearest AED is so that in the event of a SCA.
Without an AED, anyone who has had an SCA will die.
Please contact us today at [email protected] or phone 01789 867 501 to talk to us about placing a defib in your school or click below to view our packages and personalised Defibs in Schools Package