On the 24th November, Year 6 went to Abingdon minor injuries to do I.M.P.S.(Injury Minimization programme for schools).
When they went they learned how to do CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation), the recovery position and how to prevent injuries.
The year 6 looked at pictures of X- rays and then they got their fingers plastered and some had butterfly stitches put on their heads. They were then told what to do if they found a needle on the ground; DO NOT TOUCH IT.
At the end of the trip all of the Year 6 got booklets on how to do CPR and a card on what to do if you find a needle or syringes on the ground. A few children got certificates for always wearing a helmet while using wheels – skateboards, bikes, scooters etc. (No children were hurt in this process).
Taken from the Blandy Times and written by the children of John Blandy School