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Teacher uses I.M.P.S. Skills to save pupil

Sarah Briggs a teacher at Bude Primary School in Hull swiftly leapt into action recently when one of her pupils was choking. Here is the story in Sarah’s own words. ‘At the Christmas party, I happened to look across the classroom and noticed a pupil, who was coughing. I kept watching her and she was […]


Children’s views on safety in the home

RoSPA joined forces with the Children’s Parliament in Scotland to carry out research entitled Home Free to raise awareness of children’s rights in relation to staying safe in the home. Elizabeth Lumsden, RoSPA’s community safety manager in Scotland, said: “Accidents and unintentional injuries in the home remain one of the main causes of hospital admissions and deaths of children. “We carried out […]

And the winner is……..

Oxfordshire I.M.P.S. won the Heart Safe Not for Profit Business of the year 2014 Award on Thursday 2nd October.

Oxfordshire I.M.P.S. shortlisted for UK Heart Safe awards

      Great news for Oxfordshire I.M.P.S. who have been short-listed for the UK Heart Safe awards in the Not for Profit Business of the Year category.  Click here to see the short-list.  Fingers crossed!

Harmony comes to Oxfordshire I.M.P.S.

Harmony is an autism assistance dog and recently attended an I.M.P.S. session at the Horton Hospital in Banbury with Eddie her owner. Eddies head teacher said “Eddie loved visiting with Harmony and was proud of the fact that this was quite a new experience for the I.M.P.S. team. Harmony gave him confidence and mobile support […]

Pupils get tips on how to be a lifesaver

PICTURE the scenario. You come out of your local Sainsbury’s with your shopping and walk back to your car. En route you see your neighbour collapsed on the floor. What do you do? Well, Year 6 children from Fernwood Junior School in Wollaton now know exactly what to do, thanks to a scheme called the […]

Lily saves the day

Ten year old Lily Chorley put her I.M.P.S. skills into action when her little sister began to choke. Lily says ‘I gave her 5 back blows as I had learnt that this was the right thing to do when I was at I.M.P.S. training in Witney.  We called NHS Direct (111).  They put us through […]

‘I was so impressed…….’ says Andy from SCAS

Following a recent visit to Oxfordshire I.M.P.S. Andy and Monica who both work at South Central Ambulance Service sent us these very positive feedback comments. “I was so impressed to see classes of school children being taught how to call 999, do CPR and even use a defibrillator. They even toured the A&E department and […]

Rhodri makes the call

Rhodri Jones is 13 years old and a pupil at Woodeaton  Manor Special School called 999 after he found a man collapsed at a bus stop. Rhodri, who often finds speaking difficult, remembered being taught what to do in an emergency and called for an ambulance. He went through the I.M.P.S. programme three years ago, at […]