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Safety on the railways

With summer here and young people playing outside and having adventures, we want to highlight the dangers of playing near or on the railway.

You may have heard the tragic story of Harrison Ballantyne who lost his life when he was electrocuted by overhead power cables after straying into a rail freight depot to retrieve a lost football. He was hit by 25,000 volts of electricity. There was nothing his friends or paramedics could do to save him. Harrison died at the scene.

You can watch a short video about  Harrisons last day  – did you know how electricity can arc and you don’t have to touch an overhead power cable to be electrocuted?

You can find out more about railway safety  and take a safety quiz by downloading one of  our topical lessons.

Please remind the young people in your life about the dangers of the railways.  It is so  important to watch this film and spread the word – it might just save a life and avoid the devastation endured by Harrison’s parents.