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Child Safety Week June 3rd – 9th 2024

I.M.P.S. is proud to support The Child Accident Prevention Trust (CAPT)  Child Safety Week which this year has the theme:

Safety. Sorted!

You can download a

from CAPT containing bite size facts and safety tips about the main accident risks to children.

CAPT says

“Families should feel confident that, with one small change, they can stop a serious accident. And be clear what they need to do to keep their children safe.

That’s why, for Child Safety Week 2024, our theme is Safety. Sorted!

Why our free handouts highlight small, easy-to-make changes in family life.

And why we’ve pulled all our free resources together in one place, so that you can get Safety. Sorted! too.”

Look out for safety messages from I.M.P.S. by following our facebook and Instagram pages.