Primary school | Woodstock |
When were you in year 6? | 1999/2000 |
What do you do now? | Project lead and medicines safety practitioner for the Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust. |
Did I.M.P.S. help to influence this in any way? | I think overall it taught me not to panic! I had had a pretty bad experience when I was in year 4, when I had whooping cough. I ended up in the JR and the nurse was so heavy handed and was very rough when taking a blood sample. After that I had a massive issue with needles and didn’t want to go near the hospital at all. Going on the IMPS visit made the hospital a lot less frightening as I was with my friends and since then whenever any fist aid need arose I haven’t panicked. It also helped me help younger family members to feel comfortable attending a hospital. I remember having a tour around some parts of the hospital and also having my finger plastered. I also remember just being more aware of how injuries might be caused. |
Have you ever used any I.M.P.S. skills? | When we had our kitchen redesigned (not long after the course), I remember I was adamant that the hob shouldn’t go next to the door in to the utility room because someone could walk past and easily knock pans off of the hob and burn themselves. I won my case and the stove was moved to the other side of the kitchen! Harm avoided! Also, since 2000/2001, my mum has experienced anaphylactic shocks from time to time due to allergies, the first aid skills came in useful, especially in terms of making sure her airways were open. |
Does your job require you to use any risk management, injury prevention or first aid skills? | I have two roles in the OUH NHS FT. Part of my working week is spent working in the Medicines Safety team. We are involved in governance and the improvement of the safe use of medicine which includes a lot of risk management. Also, I’ve used some first aid skills looking after colleagues when they’ve felt unwell. |
Do you think your I.M.P.S. training has made a difference to you? | Absolutely! After having a somewhat unpleasant experience whilst being an inpation in 1998, the IMPS training really helped me get over some of my fears around the hosptial. I also feel much calmer when dealing with emergencies, for example when my mum has an allergic reaction. I think in general I’m more aware of things that could cause injury, especially now that I am an aunty – I’m super cautious and try to spot risks ahead of time. |
June 13, 2019